Gina Marie Sannasardo M.Ed., CPC, ELI-MP
Mom, Coach, Speaker, Best Selling Co-Author, Host, and Teacher
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I am here to support you in Finding God's Peace in Your Life! I am here to boost your faith and morale. I encourage and invite you to deepen your relationship with God through my books, talks, and coaching.
I commit to inspire, champion, and guide you on your faith journey!
I work with families, youth, and women of faith. I partner with you to wake up and ignite your gifts, passion, and purpose!
We partner together to allow faith to spread throughout your life to achieve balance. A life run by God is a life filled with peace and joy in all areas of your life. After working with me, you will feel excited about your faith, passionate about your purpose, and rediscover the gifts that God has given you!
I decided to become a life coach to fulfill a deeper passion of spreading good news for all to hear. I had struggled with finding joy and peace in my daily living and who I really wanted to be. I had to be reminded of God's infinite love and everlasting presence, but more than anything, relearn that He wants me to be joyful and happy-the way He originally designed me to be. The Holy Spirit moved in my life at the right time, yet again, and I was presented with an opportunity to learn about life purpose coaching!! Now here I am living my faith passionately, doing the work I love; the work I was meant to do. I have found God's peace once again!
I am happily married of 18 years with two beautiful children: a 16 year old daughter and 7 year old son. I am blessed to have wonderful friends and family in my life🌹 My son was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease (IBD) at the age of 4, and we have seen his faith strengthened because of what he has gone through. We had struggled to have him in our lives and after 7 years of trying, being tested and praying, we were grateful for God's promises of love, and we professed how Good God is! My father died of cancer when I was 28, and then we asked my mother to move in with us. We had struggled at first to adapt, but then relied on our faith and God's grace to learn to adjust our family dynamics-we have grown together in harmony. Throughout so many other trials in our lives, we have always been blessed with God's everlasting presence taking charge in our lives. He always provides for us....He gives to us in abundance!
For 17+ years have been teaching faith formation for the sacramental preparation of Confirmation. I assemble spiritual retreats, classes, ceremonies, and presentations to foster the class for this sacrament. I have been employing motivational speeches, media, art, and music to enrich my students and foster their desire to deepen their faith and relationship with God. We have put on productions of the Living Stations and the Living Rosary for our school students and parish community.
I volunteer with the high school youth group engaging in numerous service projects such as DuPage's Sleep Out Saturday, Senior Valentine's Dinner Dance, and Fireside chats with groups of teens.
What's Gina Up to?
I have received the award of On-Going Mastery of Catechesis in 2009.
Co-Author of Mayslake Ministries Everyday with Mary and Everyday with St. Joseph Daily Devotionals
Certified Professional Life Coach (CPC) and ELI-MP
#1 Best Selling Amazon Co-Author of Overcoming Mediocrity Published by Christie Ruffino (DPWN)
Partnering in the project of Empowering Questions with fellow Coaches by Elle Da silva Sisterhood Connection Book
Huffington Post Blogger
Live Radio Talk Show Host for Brave, Bold, Media (BBC Global Network) and TuneIn Radio
Host for Life Coach Radio Networks
Contributor to the Diocese of Joliet's magazine Christ is Our Hope: article "What is God's Purpose in Life For You?
Featured in the Natural Awakenings Magazine for the Chicago area 2017
Featured in Inc. Magazine 2016
Affiliate of Mayslake Ministries for the Mom's Ministries Project
WESOS Member
FOCCUS Trainer and Marital Preparation Facilitator
Writer for
In May of 2019 I completed my second M. Ed in Leadership Education: Principal Preparation Licensure Program from Lewis University working as a Social Justice Advocate, Change Agent, and Leader for Equity!
Assistant Principal of St. Philip the Apostle School Diocese of Joliet - team member of re-opening plan in guidance of COVID-19 protocol. (2020-present)
I am also currently loving my position as an English/Literature Teacher (grades 5-8) with St. Philip the Apostle where I work with the most supportive and welcoming families, community, parish, and staff. My students bring me so much joy and laughter and are always teaching me new things. I have been enjoying these adventures from August 2008 – Present. I have aligned common core standards with ELA 5-8 curriculum- teaming with district schools and school ELA chairs in conjunction with the Illinois Writing Project. I furnish skills that promote fluency in various genres of literacy and writing/editing. and model research, creative writing/poetry, basic grammar conventions and presentation/ speaking.
I design Problem Based Learning activities -such as bullying- to put forth and enrich (my soon to be graduates) positive management and behavior, independent learning/accountability, organization and time management in preparation for high school, multiple intelligences/differentiation, a thirst to continue education along with desiring to contribute to society, and result in well-rounded citizens.
I regularly utilize technology: Smartboard- notebook, Glogsters, Prezis, power points, dashboard, google docs, Schoolspeak (parent communication), and on- line plans- these provide not only a source for meaningful instruction, but afford the students opportunities to grow in adapting to new methods of leaning and working.
I genially collaborate with the middle school team, staff/parish, and administration in finding and developing new approaches to educate the students in accordance with our school mission.
I had been a Reading Teacher at Addison School Dist 4 and challenged and rendered a fostering environment for primary aged students to enhance their reading fluency, phonemic awareness, comprehension, and writing skills and administered benchmark tests- Aimsweb- to offer the district a better view of the students overall progression within the school year.
I was also delighted to be a 2nd Grade Teacher at St. Joseph where I developed and facilitated a science and social studies curriculum according to Illinois State Standards. I had an enjoyable opportunity to create and utilize a web-quest for students on Habitats and fashioned two substantial themed open houses.
Additionally, I prepared students for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
I was privileged to co-teach as an Early Childhood Special Edu. Teacher at Center Cass District 66
and taught collaboratively with other educators in providing fundamental skills for ECSpEd. I was able to engaged students with reading intervention stratagems thus enabling them to move a grade up in reading/fluency.
I had been honored and learned so much while teaching as a ECSpEd teacher at SASED for summer school and enabled children with special needs and diverse backgrounds with fun and enriching methods to learn and socialize with multi-modal learning styles and theme infusion.
Pending Graduation (May 2-019) Lewis University M.Ed. Leadership and Principal Preparation Licensure Program
Social Justice Advocate
I attended the following the institutions:
iPEC (Excellance in Coach training) ICF associated (certification completion pending- fall of 2016)
Training to become a professional life coach (CPC) and Master Practitioner of the Energy Leadership Index (ELI-MP)
I additionally attended University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and earned my Master's of Education, Middle School- ELA/Curriculum and Instruction in 2002. I created web-based inquiries and several ELA- hands on/ technology enhanced lessons.
I earned endorsements in the following areas: middle school, ELA, Social science, and science with another content area
I went to Elmhurst College and received a BA in Early Childhood/Elementary Edu., Education and Sociology in 1999 and was involved in the National Education Association/Sociology Honor Society/Early Childhood Network I designed a multitude of hands-on centers/curriculum based on ISLS and acquired Early Childhood endorsement for Children with Special Needs.
Volunteer Work
I collaborated with others to pack food effectively for Feed My Starving Children.
I also attended and chaperoned Sleep out Saturday- raising awareness and funds for homeless families in DuPage County with Bridge Communities.
I enjoy volunteering as an 8th grade religious edu. teacher: Confirmation preperation (created and led a Lenten Retreat) for St. Philip The Apostle Catholic Church in Addison.
I am also honored to be a Eucharistic Minister.
Chaperoned at Relay for Life Sleep-in for District 88 High School
Listener and supporter of K-LOVE Radio...