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You answered me when I called to you; with your strength you strengthened me. How often do I know to turn to my Friend, my Lord? Our lives can be difficult, busy, and hectic. In our human nature, we can easily become swayed by our challenges rather than remembering to look unto Him for encouragement, strength, wisdom, acceptance, and love. It is in Him, through Him, and by Him that we are restored to who we were originally meant to be in order to live in abundance. Only from Him can we be strengthened; by His Goodness, we are healed. For more information on how to live in abundance, visit www.findinggodspeace.com and look at life with a fresh set of eyes.
It is very hard to imagine that we are made perfect when there is so much in our world telling us we are not! From media, posts, magazines, advertisements, etc., it is easy to understand why we are always second guessing ourselves. We doubt our strengths, goals, dreams, abilities- even our daily lives. We are made perfect - each on a unique journey that is driving us to our final destination...where God wants us to live in abundance. He loves us with a fervent passion and desires love, peace, joy, and happiness for us. Remember when you feel in doubt, know that you are a child of God and that His love is more than enough to overcome any shadow of trepidation!
Corinthians 4:1 "Thus should one regard us as servants of Christ" What does this look like? If we are to serve Christ and Christ lives in all of us, then doesn't this mean we serve one another? We are to help those in need of comfort, need of a prayer, need of acceptance, etc. We are to be there for one another in times of need and desperation. This might mean we move out our comfort zone, be in a time of inconvenience because it doesn't fit into our schedule, or going above and beyond the usual efforts with a joyful and loving heart. We will let the love we are filled with pervade to those around us. What then, does service to Christ look like to you?
Saying goodnight means saying it is okay to let go of all the things from the day that held you back, didn't work in your favor, that turned out to be mistakes, things you should have done, from prayers unsaid, smiles not shared, and judgements of yourself. It is time to rest your mind, body, and spirit. It is time to capture the freedom and peace you desire. Say goodnight for now and be hopeful for another chance to try again tomorrow- you are more than worth it!
Take a moment sometime today, stop and breath, and be thankful for your life...maybe take a moment, and reflect on all your blessings: family, health, friends, food, etc. Don't take anything for granted; life passes by so quickly, let us all live in the present and trust in God for the future!!
Everyday is an opportunity from God to grow in spirit, mind, and body. We are always bombarded with difficulties, disappointments, and let downs. This is the nature of life I guess. It is also, in life's nature, to heal, comfort, share, and forgive. We are called to reconcile our differences before going to the altar. Jesus asks that we pray for those that hurt us, annoy us, and ignore us. As difficult as it is, it is easier to live in peace and desire peace and joy in our everyday lives. Since He forgives us unconditionally, we too are called to live a life without condition, strings attached, recording of wrong-doings, and stipulations. With trust and help in the Advocate, all things are possible-even forgiving the one that hurt you!! God Bless and may Peace and Joy be Yours!!
Today is the Assumption of the Blessed Mother. This is the Day that the Blessed Mother is assumed into heaven body and soul!! She is the Mother of God, but also our Mother to guide us and be our advocate. So what does this have to do with religion in school? Everything. School is meant to prepare, educate, stimulate, and above all nurture the mind, body, and spirit. How can we as parents, educators, and community members expect to instill values and beliefs if we allow our children to think that it is wrong to rely on someone else for support, resource, strength, and compassion? The Blessed Mother wants us to be united with her Son so that we might LIVE! How can we live without knowing that we are so profoundly loved, adored, and looked after? Why is it wrong for children to think that someone of a Divine nature loves and looks out for them? In all that is going on in our world today with teen pressures from society, social media, bullying, academics, pressure to join and be involved in extra-curricular activities so that a college might see it and accept them, doesn't it make sense that we provide them with as much love, support, Truth, and freedom in the knowledge of unconditional love if one fails, isn't in the "in-crowd", doesn't have as many likes as someone else on Instagram, or struggles with just the everyday process of being a teen? Doesn't it make sense to equip them to live life to the fullest and enjoy it now knowing that the Blessed Mother, their Mother, awaits for them, is there looking on with love as an advocate, and praying for them so that they never question that they are alone (especially for teens- it is so vital to remind them that they are so profoundly loved and connected to everyone through God)? I know there are so many that agree and disagree with this idea. That is fine... you are where you are right now on your journey. I know all will work itself out as it should because we have the Blessed Mother doing right by Her Son while she lives in Heaven with Him forever. And so....we move forward...God Bless~
Today's reading comes from the Gospel of Matthew 14:22-36 and in it is one of my favorite parts about Peter telling Jesus to command him to walk on water if it really is Jesus he sees walking on the water. Once he started, he realized the wind is strong and the waves are high and becomes frightened at once so he starts to sink-at this, he cries to Jesus (oh, now he knows it is Him), and of course, Jesus reaches out to him and says , "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?" It is really interesting the way I always say that the Spirit is always in fact moving in our lives at the right time and reason. Just earlier I was literally speaking with someone about this exact verse from scripture because I had a dream a while back when my father was in the midst of dying where I too was on a boat in a stormy sea and almost fell off the boat when a hand grabbed my wrist (I really felt it) and pulled me up, and all I remember seeing was the calm face of Christ looking at me as if to say, did you really think I would let you fall? When I saw today's reading, I just had to blog about it because it was so powerful for me; I hope His peace, joy, and love is powerful for you in times of doubt, despair, and stormy seas!! |
AuthorGina Sannasardo Click on the image for my Huffington Post Blogger Profile